
3 Different Types of Tools To find Studs

3 Different Types of Tools To find Studs

3 Different Types of Tools To find Studs

Stud finders have come a long way since its inception. The earliest type of stud finder is magnetic, it is also straightforward in principle. Stud finders like its name say are meant to find studs, more modern stud finders offer more than just finding a stud. Some units on the market can detect the edge and center of a stud, you can also find some with the capability of detecting pipes, live and non-live wiring.


Magnetic stud finders simply use magnetism in order to find screws that are drilled into studs. When locating a stud with a magnetic stud finder you will feel the attraction to the screw or nails on the stud. There are other variations to magnetic stud finders that will attract to the screw or nail and make a thud when it locates the screw or nail. The neat thing about these magnetic stud finders is that you don’t need any batteries whatsoever. They are also very cheap when compared to other types of stud finders

Magnetic stud finder


Electronic stud finders have come a long way. This type of stud finder is the most commonly used in home renovations. Most modern electronic stud finders have multiple features in one. They can detect wood, metals, AC wires, and deeply embedded objects. A popular type of electronic stud finder is the instant stud finder. It uses multiple sensor plates to analyze an area of a wall as you move it and will indicate which part of the wall has a stud. Some instant stud finders will use some sort of indication to let you know where the edges are and where the center is.

electronic stud finder


Radar scanners are all-new technology, they use ultra-wideband technology to detect materials behind walls. You can map out conduit, wood, wires, and even re-bar in 6-inch deep concrete. You might have to go back and forth in an area to get a clear reading but it will definitely show more than an electronic stud finder would. These scanners are definitely not cheap when compared to an electronic stud finder but their performance speaks for itself.

Radar wall scanner


Having a magnetic stud finder wouldn’t hurt and might save you in a pinch. However most people will opt to use some sort of electronic stud finder. They are great for DIY projects and even some companies have their employees use them. If you are doing major work with deep concrete walls maybe investing in a radar scanner isn’t a bad idea, it will find pipes, and wiring that may be to deep for an electronic stud finder. It all boils down to your application.

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